• Charting Hidden Depths

    Charting Hidden Depths

    Looking only at the surface, you may never notice how things are connected, or from where they originate. Here’s a system of charting reality that takes a deeper look, applied in a unique way to an unconventional topic. In the… Read more…

  • Rational Theism

    Rational Theism

    A new Revelation takes a reasonable approach to expand our understanding of the reality of God. – New Data – From May 23, 1844 to May 29, 1892 God spoke.  He spoke through two Messengers.  Much of what was spoken… Read more…

  • Behind the Curtain

    Behind the Curtain

    There is more out there than you might think. Much more, concealed behind a curtain of sorts. Some people hear about it and seek it out. Others stumble upon it by accident. Many do not believe it could possibly be… Read more…

  • Eleven

    by Paul Hanley This book offers more than hope. It shares a vision and then outlines practical steps to achieve it. “Eleven” stands for the eleven billion people that the United Nations expects to be living on earth by the… Read more…

  • What’s this all about?

    As a child and youth I didn’t understand things very well. Why is the world the way it is? Why do people do what they do? What’s it all about? Everyone around me seemed to know what was going on,… Read more…

  • Where is God in Gaza?

    Where is God in Gaza?

    Gaza is the flash point for deeper issues. Is there any cure for the curse of violence gripping the Holy Land? Read more…

  • SuperCooperators

    Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed by Martin A. Novak and Roger Highfield Somehow I always knew it. We really do need each other. It’s not all survival of the fittest. Nice guys don’t always finish… Read more…

  • Quantum Theory and Free Will

    How Mental Intentions Translate into Bodily Actions by Henry P. Stapp This is not a casual read, but it is quite understandable and well worth the effort. The author, Dr. Stapp, has worked closely with some of the pioneers of… Read more…